Monday, April 28, 2014

We're Moving!

Ok just checking to see if you're paying attention. I'm moving all this content over to my regular website,

So. this page is probably not going to change much in the future.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Some amount of freedom has been gained.

Yesterday was a pretty big day. Not only was it National Sibling Day (who knew? Shout-outs to my quite genetically-similar homies Brian, Jamie, and Chris) but I also went to see Dr H about going wireless. You see, since The Incident, I'd had a bit of chicken wire wrapped around my sternum to keep it together, and this bit of wire was not liked in the least by my body's Foreign-object Lateral Assessment maTrix (FLAT). FLAT was keeping my body's TIssue Regeneration Engine (TIRE) from closing up the wound. So, to remedy FLAT TIRE, Dr H pulled the wire out. This delicate operation involved some wire cutters...

 and some pulling...

 ... no wait Doc! Moooooon Riiiiiver.... Ok ok, I digress. Anyway, there was some lidocaine, and some quick wire snipping and some pulling -- the nurse asked if I wanted her to hold me down so the doc didn't lift me off the table. I declined, anxious to see Dr H complete a Feat of Strength no so long after Festivus. After pulling out this huge wire -- it was nearly 2.5 inches -- ... wait. In retrospect, it seems like it was much longer than that. Perhaps it was the Vicodin. Anyway, the wire was removed and I was done. Just. Like. That. The best part? Dr H says, "The wound vac has done it's job, you're done with it." I think I nearly knocked him flat as I rushed to drop that thing off at UPS to ship it back whence it came.
Do I need to go into why "from whence" is incorrect? Anyway, no more wound vac. I'm still limited to 8-irons and higher on the golf course, domestic travel only, and I need to Stephanie has to change out my wound dressing twice daily. These are all good things. Oh, and I've been kicking ass at cardiac rehab. Inasmuch as one can kick ass at that. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Wound Vac

In my last post I mentioned having to stay in the hospital while waiting to get approved for a home wound vacuum. The approval finally came through on Monday (3/3/14) and I got the vac and went home Monday night. Another 5 days punched in my Frequent Visitor Card - only 10 more punches until I get a free weekend stay!

The vac is only slightly annoying. I have to wear it pretty much constantly (I get a minor reprieve while showering) and it's hooked up to a sponge system in the chest wound. Here's what it looks like, if you're interested. The science of the wound vac therapy is interesting as well.

Today I went in to have the doc look at the progress after being on the vac for a week. It's coming along. Luckily the doc doesn't reattach wound vacs so she left it off until the home nurse comes to reattach it tomorrow, which means I get to attend the Broken Bells concert tonight without suction in place! That'll be nice.

Friday, February 28, 2014

This blows. Sucks. Either, or both really. Eh well, chin up!

We went to the surgeon appointment yesterday expecting to be released for driving and what-not, but... well, the surgeon was not happy that I have a small wound with some drainage in the suture area. So he opened it up a bit and I was admitted back into the hospital last night so I could be hooked up to a wound vacuum device. It's basically this:

I'll likely be in the hospital over the weekend, which sucks (pun intentional), but the doc wants to be aggressive in getting this wound to close up. So, that's that. Not much I can do about it except get better!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

First Cardiologist Appointment

Andy was seen for the first time by his cardiologist PA today. She (Amanda) was wonderful and informative. We got the cardiac rehab orders started, verified Andy's vitals, have a plan to modify medications a bit (some are no longer needed!), and were informed that he doesn't need to be seen for three months!!! She said, and I quote, "You are all fixed." :-)

The release for work/driving will come from the surgeon. That appointment is on the 27th. We tentatively expect clearance the first or second week in March.

His endurance continues to increase everyday. He is amazing. Of course, this is news to no one. Love to all!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Out and About

Steph had to go into school for a meeting so I took the opportunity to work on my own school work for the majority of the morning. After she got him we decided to get out of the house for a bit so we tooled around Target for a while. It felt good to be mobile (and out of the house). 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Random thought

How will my wired-together sternum react going through airport security?